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How Lighting Can Improve Your Home Décor

Mar 19, 2019
How Lighting Can Improve Your Home Décor

Lighting a room can make vast improvements to a living space. To set the tone for any room, using the right lighting will not only amp up the ambience, but highlight decor and features of the room. From top to bottom, your home can achieve that look you’ve always desired when you think about how lighting and furniture can improve your space. It depends on the room itself, the charm you’re looking for, and the type of lights you install will make all the difference. The improvements to your space and decor are right around the corner with these great tips on how to perfectly light every room in the house.

The Kitchen

Let’s start with the kitchen. The hub of the home needs special care when it comes to lighting correctly. Recessed lighting is usually the first resort because it gives an overall healthy light to the kitchen. You don’t want your kitchen to be too dimly lit because people want to see what they are preparing and eating. On the other hand, you also don’t want to highlight any messes, stains, or unkempt areas with too much light. Recessed lighting with dimming features installed is the perfect solution. Using dimmers for recessed lighting allows you the freedom to control how you want the kitchen to feel. Maybe in the morning the natural light from the window works well for you. As the day goes by, you may need more lighting during dinner and perhaps a dimming of the lights during dessert. The dimmers are a great solution and you can transform your space moment to moment.

The counters in your kitchen need to be well-lit because they are used so often. During food prep it’s important to be able to see what you’re doing and make sure you’ve done a thorough job cleaning up. Installing track lighting above the counters will shine the light right where you need it. In some cases, some track lights have adjustable features so you can turn the bulbs in different directions if needed. Track lights or pendant lights works really well along a long counter that’s used for eating so everyone can enjoy each other’s company. Food brings us together, it sparks conversation, so we need the right lighting for our gathering spaces.

You can also consider installing LED lights beneath the cabinets. There’s a variety of different lighting looks and prices to choose from. A simple installation of lights underneath the cabinets helps you focus in on your food as you prep, and it gives the counters a sleek and modern appeal. If you have granite or marble counters, light under the cabinet will highlight the sheen. Under-cabinet lighting also works well for the late night snack run. Instead of having to turn on all the lights, just leaving these lights on can provide for the perfect subtle lighting.

Living Room/Dining Room

The living room is usually always hustling and bustling with action on most days. It’s where we unwind on the couch after a long day. For many of us it’s where we sit in front of the television or just recline for a quick nap. It’s also a family space. The living room should be illuminated to make the atmosphere feel warm and welcoming.

The best way to do this is to stay away from recessed lighting and instead focus on using tall lamps, and more than one so the light goes upward. If you used recessed lighting it can cause for too many shadows, when instead you want the light to bounce around the room. In addition, you can also double up with lighting in the living room and add extra lamps or pendants near reading chairs, coffee tables, or entertainment areas. These extra lights will highlight the different areas of the room. To avoid the dreadful glare that can occur while watching TV, don’t install any lights behind these appliances. Having the lights behind your screen will help you steer clear of any pesky reflections during movie time.

Keep in mind that you can switch out almost any lampshade for a desired look. For a modern or contemporary look, choose shades that are clean and simple. Or, you can pick one that has a pop of color to change things up. You can also choose intricate designs if you prefer a homier or playful look for your living room. Whatever shades you choose make sure that you factor in how much light will or will not shine through so choose your fabric wisely. That will help you determine brightness and what features you want to highlight. The lights in your living room can also be helpful if you want to highlight certain fabrics on your couch, a throw blanket, or even other decorative pieces around the room.

Use the same concept here for the dining room as well. Light it up based on what areas of the room  you want to highlight. The dining room usually has a large table and a pendant light above could help bring focus to the seating area. A chandelier above the table is always a classic choice and can really bring the va-va-voom to the room. You can also include tall lamps if your dining room is large and requires more lighting. There are lamps that have several light settings so you can set the mood. You can also consider using wall sconces to add that extra-special touch.

bedroom interior with lamp lighting


Lighting your bedroom might just be one of the most important illumination tasks yet. It’s your sanctuary, the place where you can recharge, have fun, and rest. Try including a variety of lighting in your room such a desk lamps and reading lamps. Choose bulbs that have soft lighting so the features of the room are not brazenly standing out too much. Have a reading lamp near the bed so you can quickly reach over and switch the light on and off. It’ll also give your room a homey and welcoming look and feel. When you are lighting your bedroom, always keep the wall color in mind, as the right lighting can make the color of the walls pop in just the right way.

You can buy lamps that attach to the headboard for a quick and easy setup. If you have a workspace it’s a good idea to have another reading lap, or desk lamp nearby. If you keep your desk organized, the desk lamp will emphasize a cleanness and can spark some more motivation. Don’t install ceiling fixtures because it can overwhelm the room and dimming is typically not an option in a bedroom. It can also be hard on the eyes if you’re in bed. Trying using tall lamps with unique shade options to give your room a greater appeal.

Take advantage of any natural light from windows. Keep your windows free from too much clutter so the natural light can do its magic during the day. It will multiply the feeling of freshness in your room and show-off wall art or other decor. The most important thing to remember about lighting your bedroom is that it should fit your expectations and style. You can use a variety of lighting techniques and choose from a wide assortment of bulbs, shades, and fixtures.


Bathroom lighting may seem simple enough but there are multiple factors to think about. The central focus of most bathrooms are the mirrors. Mirrors usually take up a large space on the wall, which really helps with reflecting a lot of light, but it can also create a lot of shadows. If you’re going to light the space around your mirror, consider installing lights on the side. You can do this by using sconces or side vanity lights. It’s better than placing lights directly above the mirror because of shadow-effects, and every water stain on the mirror will be glaringly visible. Many bathrooms do have light-dimmers, and it’s okay to install a fixed ceiling light if that’s the case. This can be especially helpful when you’re showering and don’t enjoy feeling like you’re in a darker space because of shower doors or curtains.

Candles also go a long way in illuminating a bathroom space. Place candles near the toilet, or on the sink counter (depending on the size), and use them when you’re bathing or giving yourself a facial. The light from the candles can also provide for a sweet and subtle glow to the room as a whole.


The attic and the basement are most commonly used for storage or for recreational rooms. If it’s a storage room, don’t get too hung up on the lighting. The best suggestion would be to install an overhead light that you can flip on and off with a switch. Use a brighter light so you can see what’s there in the event that you may need to find some items.

If your attic or basement are being used as rec rooms, typically recessed lighting does a great job of giving the room a fun and modern feel. Again, just make sure you don’t place lights facing tv’s or computer screens because you’ll end up with a glare. Or, you can combine different styles of lighting like track lights, lamps, and sconces to highlight pool tables, or other knick-knacks around the room. If you have a bar area in the room, you may consider less light in those areas but focus them on the countertop, or sports decor that is hanging nearby.

Lighting a room properly takes thought and planning, just as it does when choosing the right sofa or dining room table. So decide on your style, decide on what you want to be featured the most, and think about what ambience you want to create. Lighting your way to an improved space is only a flip of a switch away.

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