Turn Your Home Office Into a Guest Room With a Sleeper Sofa
With a few additional tweaks, a sleeper sofa can turn a home office into a room for friends and family in just minutes.
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5 Fabulous Home Decorating Ideas to Fall for this Autumn
Changing your decor for fall is a wonderful way to make our living spaces feel warm, welcoming, and cozy.
- Tags: Features, Home Decor
DIY Design: Choosing the Right Accent Chair for Your Space
Adding an accent chair to a room can be the finishing touch turning a pretty room to an extraordinary room.
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4 Alternatives To Choose Instead Of A Couch
Not every living room needs a couch. When you're shopping for living room furniture, consider all of your options to ensure the best setup possible.
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A Guide For Choosing The Best Headboard Design
Headboards bring out the focal point in your bedroom it's important that you choose one you love! Use this quick guide to narrow down your options and select the headboard that best fits in with your space, style and comfort needs.
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